10 Best Practices To Consider When Your Worker Was Tested Positive For Covid-19

skitterblink cleaning service

When one of your employees tell you they have tested positive for Covid-19, you will be dealing with a particuarly complex challenge. Not only does the moment call for humanity and sensitivity, but it also requires you to act quickly. Here are some best practices to follow should this happen to you.

  1. Keep up to date regarding latest news related to Covid-19. Check the following websites:


  1. Act quickly and decisively to minimise the risk of the virus spreading.


  1. Express sympathy towards the employee and respect confidentiality.


  1. Ask the employee which co-workers they have been in close contact with and which areas of the business they visited regularly – this will only give you an indication of the scope of infection.


  1. Depending on the size of the business, decide to quarantine the affected areas or the entire business.


  1. Contact the close contact group and inform them discreetly and then inform all staff members.


  1. Send all personnel for Covid-19 tests.


  1. Decide whether to close the business until ALL tests results are received.


  1. Get a professional disinfection and decontamination company to disinfect the business thoroughly. See https://bit.ly/3at0xmf


  1. Make sure they give you a Site Handover Checklist / Clearance Signoff after disinfection – you must present that to the Department of Health. Also make sure you get the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of the disinfectant that was used.

We are in LOCKDOWN! and it is the ideal time now to disinfect your business while all the staff are working remotely or at home.

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