Are Your Cleaners Trained To Disinfect According To The Covid-19 Standards?

skitterblink cleaning service

We can choose to believe it or choose not to, but the reality is that COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways. Some of the ways have been very obvious such as the need to wear masks in public whereas others have been more subtle such as the need for a new cleaning plan. Lots of emphases have been placed on personal hygiene guidelines such as washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, avoiding touching your face, etc. but what about cleaning our homes and workplaces? The question you need to ask yourself is, are my cleaners, whether domestic or commercial, trained to disinfect according to the COVID-19 standards?


If your answer to the previous question is no or even, I am not certain then we have good news for you. Skitterblink offers an online disinfection hygienist training course to equip your cleaner and ensure peace of mind for you. The reality is that our homes, workplaces, schools, stores, etc. contain a diverse population of micro-organisms which can be harmful if not cleaned properly which is why this course is so important. We recommend the course to all domestic cleaners, cleaning staff at schools, daycare centers and creches, cleaners at office buildings, retail stores and commercial sites as well as all cleaning supervisors and disinfection supervisory personnel.


The training course objectives are:


–       Understand Social Distancing and Hygiene

–       Correct Usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

–       Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures

–       Correct usage of Disinfectant Chemicals

–       Correct Waste Handling


We want your cleaner to understand and be able to perform the above-mentioned objectives as best as possible. These objectives, as well as the course content , was developed by us with reference and acknowledgment to Professional Body for Environmental Hygiene (PBEH), International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA), Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association (ISSA), National Contract Cleaning Association (NCCA) and South Africa Coronavirus Website. This way we ensure that the information provided to you and the cleaner is updated and reliable.


In terms of training course structure, we offer the trainee(s) online access under the guidance of their employer. We want to make sure the employer is informed which is why we provide them with the standard operating procedures (SOP). We believe in on-site training which is why a Skitterblink representative will give a short on-site practical teaching to the trainee(s). At the end of the training, the trainee(s) will be evaluated with a 20-point multi-choice test. A 70% pass rate will ensure a disinfection hygienist certificate.


You can read more about the training costs on our website.


Skitterblink aims to empower you in these uncertain times which is the reason we developed the disinfection hygienist course. We want you to have peace of mind when it comes to your cleaner’s ability to keep you and your colleagues safe. If you would like to book a disinfection hygienist course, click here.


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