Domestic worker – Employment Without Hassle:

skitterblink cleaning service

Are you tired of searching for, interviewing, training and evaluating a potential domestic worker only to repeat the cycle again within a few months when the domestic worker decides to leave? The process of finding a suitable domestic worker for your specific cleaning needs can be a struggle. Skitterblink recognises these problems and therefore provide cleaning placement services for your convenience.

The process of finding a domestic worker typically include the following 4 steps:

  • searching,
  • interviewing,
  • training and
  • evaluation.

Searching can cause a headache in itself since most people don’t know where to start. Even if you find a place to start how will you know if the domestic workers advertising their services there are reliable? When you make use of Skitterblink placement services no searching is necessary. All you need to do is fill in the online form where you specifically state your cleaning requirements and we will contact you. Once we have established your cleaning needs you will be called for an assessment to help us find you a suitable match.

Interviewing is the next dreaded step in the process of hiring a domestic worker. A few of the thoughts running through your head might be: which questions are appropriate to ask, how much should I really know about this person, are there any questions I am not allowed to ask, how long should an interview be etc. With Skitterblink placement services you don’t have to stress yourself with these endless questions since we handle it all.

Training can be quite tiresome. How, what, where and when are words that are frequently used within training sessions and therefore requires not only patience but the time from you as the employer? Save yourself some time by using the Skitterblink placement services.

Evaluation is usually associated with comments and inputs when unacceptable or inappropriate cleaning methods are observed. The problem with this step is often miscommunication since we tend to rush past and try to imprint our ideas without adequate time or effort. This doesn’t have to be a problem for you since Skitterblink placement services include evaluations. The evaluations are scheduled as follow: 1 evaluation 2 weeks after the 1-day onsite training and thereafter one quality assurance session every month.


Skitterblink placement services makes finding a suitable domestic worker easy and safe since, we can vouch for our placements in terms of reliability and trustworthiness.

Let us help you find a cleaner.