Nasionale Minimum Loon

skitterblink cleaning service

Geagte LWO Lid

Volgens mediaberigte het die president die Nasionale Minimum Loon Wet, asook die wysigings aan die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes en die wysigings aan die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge geteken op Vrydag, 23 November 2018 – hierdie wetgewing sal inwerking tree op 1 Januarie 2019. Totdat hierdie amptelik afgekondig word in die staatskoerant, moet werkgewers voortgaan om te voldoen aan huidige wetgewing ten opsigte van industrie spesifieke minimum lone.

Met intrede 1 Januarie 2019 is werkgewers verplig om ten minste die nasionale minimum loon te betaal. Hierdie bedrag is vasgestel teen R20.00 per uur vir alle werknemers in Suid-Afrika, ongeag die bedryf of industrie waarin hul werksaam is. Die landbou/bosbou en huiswerkersektore het vrystelling ontvang om onderskeidelik 90% en 75% van die nasionale minimum loon te betaal. Dit bereken tot R18.00 per uur vir die landbou/bosbousektore en R15.00 per uur vir die huiswerkersektor. Hierdie vrystelling is geldig vir twee jaar, waarna alle werkgewers minstens die nasionale minimum loon soos aangekondig moet betaal. Werkgewers in die landbousektor moet verder kennis neem dat huiswerkers op ‘n plaas geag word as plaaswerkers en dus die korrekte loon moet ontvang.

Indien werkgewers nie die nasionale minimum loon kan betaal nie, kan werkgewers aansoek doen om kwytskelding (verlaging) vir die betaling van die vasgestelde minimum loon. Hierdie is ‘n aanlynproses en indien kwytskelding toegestaan word, is dit slegs vir een jaar.

Werkgewers moet verder kennis neem dat slegs die loonkomponent van die wetgewing gewysig is. Ander bepalings met verwysing na verlof, werksure, aftrekkings, oortyd, behuising, ensovoorts geld steeds soos van toepassing op jou industrie. Indien jou industrie se vasgestelde minimum loon egter hoër is as die nasionale minimum loon, moet jy die hoër loon betaal.

Kontak ons gerus by 086 110 1828 met enige navrae in hierdie verband, of indien u regsadvies/bystand benodig. Ons is 24/7 beskikbaar.

National minimum wage

Dear LWO Member

According to media reports, the president signed the National Minimum Wage Act, as well as the amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the amendments to the Labour Relations Act on Friday, 23 November 2018 – these Acts will come into effect on 1 January 2019. Until this is officially announced in the government gazette, employers must continue to comply with current legislation with regards to industry specific minimum wages.

With effect from 1 January 2019, employers will be obliged to pay at least the national minimum wage. This amount is set at R20.00 per hour for all employees in South Africa, irrespective of the industry in which they are employed. The farming/forestry and domestic worker sectors have been given an exemption to only pay 90% and 75% respectively of the national minimum wage. This calculates to R18.00 per hour for the farming/forestry sector and R15.00 per hour for the domestic worker sector. This exemption is valid for two years, after which all employers must pay at least the national minimum wage as announced. Employers in the agricultural sector should take note that a farm worker includes workers who are employed mainly or in connection with farming activities, as well as domestic workers working in a house on a farm.

If employers cannot pay the national minimum wage, employers can apply for exemption (reduction) of the payment of the set minimum wage. This is an online process and if exemption is granted, it is only for one year.

Employers must also take note that only the wage component of legislation was amended. Other provisions with reference to leave, working hours, deductions, overtime, housing, etc. still apply as applicable to your industry. Also, if your industry’s set minimum wage is higher than the national minimum wage, you must pay the higher wage.

Please feel free to contact us at 086 110 1828 for advice in this regard, or if you require any assistance in this matter. We are available 24/7.

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