Step 5 Of 5 – Develop Daily Schedules

skitterblink cleaning service

In this last step, we are going to develop your Daily Schedules for your Domestic Help. In the previous steps you have learned about the Spring Cleaning Concept, you have created Entry & Exit Procedures, and you have allocated Cleaning Methods & Frequencies to the standard cleaning tasks of your home. Again, if you are only joining us now in this step-by-step process, please see our Blog page for the previous steps. To follow our discussion, please download our Daily Schedules for MondayWednesday and Friday that will also assist you to create your custom-made house cleaning system.


In this step you will create a daily schedule for your cleaner. Each day will consist of 5 phases:

The morning phases:

Phase 1:

Start washing and cleaning 2 to 3 rooms. (Usually includes the kitchen and scullery.)

Phase 2:
Re-load washing and cleaning the next 2 to 3 rooms. (Usually includes bedrooms and bathrooms)


The afternoon phases:

Phase 3:

Cleaning the next 2 to 3 rooms.

Phase 4:

Performing the spring cleaning tasks of the day.

Phase 5:

Ironing and packing away of clothes.

Tip from the Experts

It is essential to micro-manage your cleaner for at least the first 2 weeks on a daily basis. If the foundation is not laid correctly, you are going to battle to change it. Eventually the cleaner will fall back into her own, old routine of cleaning, and you will be frustrated.

Skitterblink Assistance

How we can assist:

  • Skitterblink can train your cleaner and come and visit the cleaner on a daily basis for the first two weeks and then afterwards on a monthly basis.
  • We can also supply your cleaner with a chemical kit on a monthly basis. This will be very cost-effective for your household and the cleaner will know exactly how to use the chemicals because it forms part of our training procedure.
  • We can even supply you with the necessary brushware (color-coded cloths for different areas, brushes, brooms, mops etc.) and equipment (light industrial vacuum cleaner – very cost effective, durable and maintainable.)

We trust that these few steps will assist you to do develop a professional cleaning system and procedure for your domestic environment. You are welcome to contact our franchisees for assistance – remember we are only a phone call away.

Look out for our Bonus Step next time that will give you 5 Money Saver Tips by using our Professional Cleaning System.

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