What To Do If Your Domestic Cleaner Did Not Return After The Holidays?

skitterblink cleaning service

Welcome home. We hope you enjoyed your holidays and found great joy in your family. On your return we trust you found a clean home and found your domestic cleaner waiting at your door on her first day back ready and willing to return to cleaning your home.


If this is not your reality we would like to inform you that you are not alone. Many families return from holidays and find a home devoid of a domestic cleaner never to return. This can result in an increased amount of stress on a family due to the increased workload in the house. We all know that house cleaning is a never-ending task from heaps of laundry, dirty dishes, gathering dust, covered bedroom floors etc.


We know you lead busy lives and therefore don’t have time for the demands associated with 24/7 house cleaning. It is our understanding of these pressing issues that lead us to develop the excellent services we are able to offer you during this time of need. These services range in type and frequency to help meet your families specific cleaning needs.


The first type of cleaning service we can provide for you is our Once-off domestic cleaning service. Also referred to as ad-hoc services this service can help you with call-out cleaning appointments until you hire another domestic cleaner or until you and your family get up on your feet again.


The second type of cleaning service we can provide for you is our domestic monthly mobile services. This service is a recurring cleaning service. The cleaning team visits your home to clean as often as you indicated a need and you can personalize your cleaning service according to your own priorities.


The third type of service we can provide for you is domestic cleaning placement services. This service entails the selection and training of a domestic cleaner from our side and then the placement after which the cleaner is evaluated. After assessment to ensure you receive a trained and professional domestic cleaner whom will clean your home and be in service of your family.


Returning to your home to find your domestic cleaner did not return after the holidays does not have to cause despair. Let Skitterblink help you with all your cleaning needs whether it is once-off services, monthly services or placements.

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