Four Reasons For Using A Professional House Cleaning Service

Professional House Cleaning Service

Professional House Cleaning service means that each room is cleaned thoroughly and receives the attention it deserves.

Here are 4 reasons why I have chosen to use a professional house cleaning service:


1. Cost of service

As a single parent of three young children I don’t have a big budget available for cleaning. While my children initially assisted with house chores, my working hours and the kids’ busy schedules means that house work ends up last on the priority list.  When I employed a domestic worker it cost me more, because of the added expenses of cleaning detergents, meals and wages etc.  Detergents only lasted two weeks, the water bill was higher and refreshments ran out fairly quickly (coffee, milk and sugar).

Once I hired a professional cleaning service all expenses were included in the price, and it turned out to cost me less than employing a domestic.

2. Time

With a professional service, my cleaning takes two hours, which includes twenty items of ironing (mainly kids school uniforms). The cleaning team arrives and start to clean in one area, which allows me to continue loading the washing into the machine or sorting out cupboards in another area.

With a full time domestic worker, it seemed like she was busy the whole day, but I had to supervise to ensure that all chores are done. Supervision and double-checking is time consuming, taking up precious time that I would rather be spending with the kids.

3. Hygiene

The products that the professional cleaning company uses for cleaning is of the highest quality. I can actually see and feel the difference in results are much better than when I employed a domestic worker and had to redo the cleaning at times. Where domestic helpers often do not clean all areas (behind couches and beds) the supervisor of the professional cleaning service ensured that areas were covered.

4. Theft and damages

One of the main reasons for hiring a professional cleaning service was my concern about missing items. My previous domestic worker used to take so much time cleaning that there was no time at the end of the day to check for missing items. When I finally realized that certain household items had been stolen or damaged it was very difficult to pinpoint where and how it had happened. I found it very sad and discouraging to have my privacy invaded and my trust broken.

Once I hired a professional service, the team always worked under supervision. This supervisor moved between different areas to ensure that nothing goes missing. The company also has a policy to reimburse homeowners for items that are damaged or goes missing.

Skitterblink Cleaning Services is a leading provider of professional housekeeping services. With locations across South Africa, it’s easy to find a location near you. Visit

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